Jul 29, 2012


the thought of tracing back
those few steps of mine
is unwanted n scary
n tough to determine!

why was I trapped
to threads unseen
no efforts could resolve,
how-so-ever keen.

would you only watch
or try to answer
the queries unquestioned
that I still ponder;

or shall I assume:

not everything is to be told
to the world..out n bold,

few are meant to realize n cure
to make d recovery fast n sure...

Jul 19, 2012


इतनी कहाँ निकली है ज़िन्दगी
जितनी जीनी है अभी,
चलो अच्छा हुआ
कुछ सीख ही लिया।

A chapter !

Ah.. was away for quite some time.. have been very busy and bit unwell. While the busy routine continues, trying to snatch some time for myself :).

With reference to my last post, I was glad to see that people kept anticipating!
I even got an assignment to frame my thoughts on 'stranger'. As I keep saying, writing just happens to me with mood swings and incidents happening around me; I dont write on purpose or on demand. I cant. It feels like forcing my thoughts in a particular direction.
However, I have an old piece of work, written some 4-5 yrs back. It might not be relevant to the assignment still thought of sharing. Do comment :) ....

मैंने खुद को असहज पाया

ये पहली बार हुआ था
जब खुद को निर्बल पाया
हाँ पहली बार ही जीवन में
एक अनचाहा अध्याय जुड़ा;
पर क्यों?
क्या इतनी कमी सही थी
जो सबको अपनाना चाहा?
या इतनी असहाय हुई थी
जो मिथ्या अवलंबन चाहा?

या फिर मैं बदल गयी थी,
नरमी से पिघल गयी थी
अनजाने संबल की चाह में
खुद को भूल गयी थी?

हाँ शायद खुद को भूल रही थी ..

अपनी क्षमता अपनी दृढ़ता
अपना विवेक और अपना लक्ष्य
अपनी राहें, आकांक्षायें
और भूल रही थी अपना सच।

कुछ अनजाने से साये जब
अनजान डगर पर मिले मुझे
एक पल के लिए सुनसान अंधेरों में
जुगनू से लगे मुझे;
मैं मृग सी उस मरीचिका की
चाहत में उनके साथ चली
किन्तु चाहकर भी
मृग की नियति न बदल सकी।।


अब होश दिलाया गया है
लौटना है वापस
और रास्ता भी बताया गया है
पहुँचना ही है वहाँ,
अँधेरा ढलने और साये मिलने से पहले।

Jul 5, 2012

the topic

A few days back this friend of mine pinged me and while conversing he casually asked.. aur poems voems nahi likh rahi aaj kal? Since I dont really intimate people whenever I post something here, I understood that though being aware of its existence, he has not been checking this blog of late. Well, fine with me.. I simply affirmed and responded with the link.
A pause, a few formal niceties and the important part to come was his suggestion to try hands on Non-Poetry stuff. May be he didnt like the poems or thought I could do better with stories( Cant say what made him suggest this..believe me I have never been a story-teller :P). I always thought I lack that skill and patience!

The idea anyway did sound interesting ..will not say challenging as I dont have to prove anything anywhere! All this is totally about that thing called creative gratification :).

Waiting for the topic to come across..