Apr 1, 2016

Stay, Please.

Life exists well beyond a few things.

Suicide is the worst decision ever made especially by someone in prime youth with good health.They could do so many things which would have made their lives worthwhile for themselves and others.
Life is the most precious thing on the earth. You cannot buy it. So you better don't ruin it while you still have it.

A few months back, I was talking to a braveheart who was fighting with a terminal disease. He was a person extraordinaire inside out - academics, career, personality and heart! He was undergoing the treatment away from his family when the Doctors told him the treatment stopped working. He was frail but willing to live life and achieve so many more feathers in his ever shining cap. He told me one lady from social-service department of the hospital asked him during one of the daily visits-
"I understand you are aware of your condition. Its inexplicable how you must be feeling to be in a situation you cant do anything about except waiting for worse to happen. I am sorry to ask this but do you ever have any suicidal thoughts?"

He replied -" No. It didn't come across my mind until you mentioned it :)"
Yeah, that Man smiled when he said this to the lady, a month before the aggressive ailment overtook his will and hope to live.
This Man told me the above incident all smiling (despite of knowing what was approaching him)only 15 days before ......
I know this Man had had strength and courage of another level. Still, how difficult can it be to stay alive for possible better future than to surrender to temporary miseries?

There are people who retort when this being called a cowardice act - "Don't judge them, you don't know what the person was going through." 
True; but may be I know. May be I have been through similar trauma. May be I even took a few steps on that dark path and realized my strength and self worth before it was too late. I am able to say certain things today because may be, I have learnt a lesson myself.

There were a few suicide cases in media in the recent past - Jiah Khan, Rohit Vemula(not due to relationship but still suicide) and now Pratyusha Banerjee.

All I know, these people were young, educated, talented, physically well, may be mentally disturbed. Such 'state' does not and should not lead to ending a life which could have brought smiles to at least some faces or may be even to themselves in future!

I felt the same pain (more for their family) after every news of such suicides. But the latest one made me pen it down.

'Balika Vadhu': the only daily soap I watched.
After Avika Gaur, Pratyusha kept the TRP up by her performance as Anandi. She was beautiful and talented. The serial used to air on my just-reached-home-from-office time so I happened to watch it. I continued it partly because the remote control was in Mom's hand and partly because of the message of the serial. I hoped it would improve women's plight at least somewhere.
Pratyusha played a strong character and did full justice to it. Unfortunately she couldn't keep the same faith in herself in her real life. While Anandi stood strong after her husband's betrayal and ended up doing much better for herself and the society, Pratyusha just gave up! She was a good 'actress' but probably didn't share any connection with the theme of her debut and immensely popular role.

It sounds very typical of condolences that they should have thought about their parents, siblings and other loved ones before taking the extreme step. However, I know how it feels to lose someone so close and can only imagine how worse would it be coming from a suicide. Hence, I would still say this - they should have thought about people who loved them dearly. They probably eased their own phase-of-pain but left a wound for their family which would never ever heal.
What would add to this pain is the fact that the family knows you could have been saved if only you had talked your heart out to them! Isn't this a sheer selfish and cowardice act?

Pratyusha, I don't believe in a life after death but I just hope at least You were happy with your own decision when you took your last breath.

While you lived I loved your acting and wished to see more of your talent. I was disappointed when you decided to leave 'Balika Vadhu' despite of not having any better projects in hand. Little did I know that you would repeat...........for the worst this time.

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